Dear Eagle Point Parents and Guardians, This is a reminder that Eagle Point is implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) where we are focusing on being safe, respectful, and responsible.
PBIS is a system to teach and reinforce behaviors that we want students to exhibit at school. Students and staff share clear and consistent expectations about how students should act in different settings (hallways, cafeteria, bathroom, playground, etc.).
An emphasis of PBIS is to acknowledge positive student behavior. As a way to acknowledge positive choices that students make at school, students are issued “Eagle Point Feathers” by school staff. The “feathers” are entered into drawings giving our students opportunities to earn intrinsic reward such as: sitting in their teacher’s chair, earning an extra recess for their class, eating lunch with the principal, etc.
We hope that you are noticing safe, responsible, and respectful behaviors at home as well as at school and that you will continue to recognize and reinforce those behaviors. You are also being given access two additional forms that are related to PBIS. One form explains the “feathers” awards in more detail, here is the link Eagle Point Feather Award Explanation. Next is the link to our behavior matrix Eagle Point Behavior Matrix which details our expectations in all areas of the school. You will notice banners with these expectations located throughout our school. You can also use this matrix to remind students of expectations at school that are hopefully carrying over to the home environment.
Thanks so much in advance for your support and involvement in reminding our students of appropriate behaviors in all settings!
The Eagle Point PBIS Team