What is Student and Family Access™ and how can it be used?
Student and Family Access accounts are options in Skyward that allow students and parents/guardians to engage in school related affairs. Some of the account engagement options are as follows:
Gradebook Tab: Student’s assignments and grades. Here’s a short video in English (En español) on how to use Gradebook in Skyward.
Attendance Tab: find student’s “real time” attendance posted by a teacher or by the office. View the DASD School Attendance Guide for Families HERE
Student Info Tab: Student Info and Family Demographics are listed here such as: student and parent/guardian names, locker number, combination, home addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contacts currently in our Skyward Database System.
Food Service Tab: Student’s Food Service Balance and Food Service Payment History: Here’s a short video in English (En español) on how to check Food Service History in Skyward.
School Directory Tab: Each family chooses to Opt in or Opt out of the School Directory - Here's a instruction sheet for opting in or out of the School Directory in English (En español).
Schedules Tab: Find student’s current class/course schedule.
Test Scores Tab: Find student’s Standardized Test Scores.
Visit the Skyward Toolkits help site for families and students HERE
If I have a student currently attending DASD, where do I find my Family Access™ account?
A Parent/Guardian can find Skyward Family Access™ using the Skyward icon in the header of every school district webpage. It’s also available in the DASD App!
A Student Skyward App and Family Skyward App can be installed on compatible devices and is available from Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone):